Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Otome Plays: Nameless - Prologue, Intro [1/6]

Name: Nameless - The one thing you must recall
Developer: Cheritz
Length: 40 hours of gameplay
Genres: Drama, Psychological, Romance, School Life, Fantasy, Mystery, Shoujo, Comedy

Eri (Hanuel, re-nameable) is a plain Jane with an interesting hobby. She collects ball jointed dolls. Finding solace in them after her granpa's death and her parent's perpetual absence from their overseas work, she suddenly wakes up to find them coming to life. What is she supposed to do now?

So I finished playing this game a week ago and I absolutely love it. I'll do a review on it later but essentially the art and story and gorgeous and you have to pick it up. I made a game-play video on it so check it out. Enjoy.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Manga Review: Puzzle (MORIE Satoshi)

Name: Puzzle
Author & Artist: MORIE Satoshi
Chapters: 1 - completed
Genres: Mature, One Shot, Psychological, Romance, School Life, Shoujo
Miyabi is looking for someone to complete her.

The plot is a bit brief so the basic premise is about the downfall of the most popular couple in the school.The characters go under a metamorphosis from perfect, beautiful, straight-laced students to tragic pariahs at school and at home.

I love me a good psychological story and this really delivers. The thing about Morie's works is they have an almost foreboding atmosphere as it shows the psyche of the character's mind. Though it humanises their plight rather then highlighting anything two twisted.

The fact that it has smut in it actually adds another layer of intensity that I haven't seen in her previous mangas. The smut isn't too much in this story so it's alright for younger audiences, it as much as an American tv show.

Try this out and you'll be surprised. Quite a solid one shot full of dimension and intrigue.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Manhwa Review: Antique Romance

Name: Antique Romance
Author & Artist: KIM Mi Jung
Chapters: 27 - finished
Genres: Drama, Historical, Mature, Romance, Shoujo
From Esthétique: "I am a human, but a doll... Feelings are not needed. Physically alive, but not mentally. I am a painting trapped inside a rusted frame. The cold skin of a statue. Like a stuffed bird-- Killed and set for display. I wonder... I wonder, on whose display I will be placed..." Includes extra story, The Dancing Marionette (Vol 3).
It seems like most of the manhwas that I end up and enjoy reading are the ones set in with darker mature themes which are inevitably coupled with tragic elements.
This has all the drama in a European ambient setting.

Some warnings before picking this up would include themes of prostitution and rape which are basically red flags that indicate that this ain't some fluffy shoujo.

There's also a certain scene that is horribly cryptic. It's not horror in a supernatural sense but the monstrosity of what humans can do to each other. It parallels closely with reality despite cliches and plot devices.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Weeaboos and Hanyu Yuzuru

On tumblr for the past few days, there has been an increasing obsession with Olympic figure skater, HANYU Yuzuru. Hanyu, a 19 talented year old athlete, was being compared to the likes to k-pop artists and anime characters.

Let that sink in for a bit.
A young athlete that qualified for the Olympics, a world class sportsman, is being compared to a couple 2d characters and some Korean idol singers. The only thing he has in common with any of them is that they are Asian pop culture icons.

Many dismiss his immense talent at entering the Olympics, winning the short figure skating event for his overwhelmingly "kawaii-ness". The fact that these girls are likening him to things that have little relation to him proves how Asians in popular culture are a fetish and how Asians are caricatures rather than individuals.

I enjoy watching figure skating since Kim Yuna became popular. I'm not particularly interested in the technicalities of ice-skating but I appreciate the work, the talent and the overall performance given by these professional athletes.

And that is where we discuss weeabos (or Koreaboos). Weeabos do know the Japanese culture and show an invested interest through manga, music and dramas. Though they see Japan through a limited, skewered scope which means they lack true understanding. Instead they throw around words like "Kawaii" in mid sentence (while speaking English), add honorifics like "-chan" or "-kun" or freak out when they meet a Japanese person while proceeding to ask if they've watched the latest Anime purely on the basis of being Japanese rather than knowing whether they share that common interest. It's the same as someone approaching an American and assuming they are sexually promiscuous and fetish-izing them for the fictional behavior they see on tv.

Many weeabos may even claim they're part Japanese and have fetishes for anyone who happens to be Japanese without looking at them as normal individuals. Not every Japanese guy is a bishounen and not every Japanese girl is a submissive, chipmunk sounding Anime girl.

 I guess I'd hate to say this but a delusional love/fetish for Asian cultures really puts you at the spectrum of, well... being racist. You see you have two extremes of being a racist, number 1 is absolute disdain for another culture while putting your own up on a pedestal and the other is an obsessive adoration which leads to you putting the another culture on a pedestal while believing others are less superior.
Let free dictionary explain it:
rac·ism  (rā′sĭz′əm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
So there you have it, my take and opinion weeabos. What's your opinion of weeabos? Are you sometimes guilty of these behaviour? And hey, if you know a weeabo, give them a hint and send them this post ;)
All comments are greatly appreciated.

Disclaimer: This is my perspective of people fetish-izing Asian culture. Though I am not Japanese, being Asian, I've had similar experiences and share my personal view on things. Though it's just an opinion, I fully acknowledge I'm responsible everything I say and an opinion is not an excuse. Instead let's have an intelligent discussion for a better understanding of things :)

Saturday, 8 February 2014

The Best Shoujo Artists

Manga isn't always about the art but it's a huge plus for any savvy manga fan. Here are a few of my personal favourite mangakas. I am purely looking as art and the storytelling.  So in no particular order we have:

Kisara from Dear by Fujiwara Cocoa,
I swear I only like the art
  • Peach-Pit - Lolita Loving Duo
Comprised of Banri Sendo and Shibuko Ebara, they probably have the most detailed character design and fashion I've ever seen, making use of lots of full body shots to showcase this. Their female characters such as Hinamori Amu, has a an infinitely extensive wardrobe of Punk/Goth Lolita whereas Amu's sister wears Sweet lolita clothes. To add to this, they have a good measure of bishies to oggle over coughTsukuyomiIkutocough.

  • Ichinose Kaoru - Elegant character design
I like her for pretty similar reasons to Peach-Pit. Her characters have a dainty, delicate feel and look to them. It's hard to explain but I was blown away at how pretty 2d characters look when I started reading Mishounen Produce.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Shoujo Manga Caps Tumblr

Hey guys. I recently made a shoujo manga caps tumblr and I know I need to increase my online presence. I'm no twitter user and my fb profile isn't all that interesting. I also think I'll be posting more bishie ogling and general fangirling of manga that I don't really do here.

Sunday, 2 February 2014

Manga Review: Magic

Name: Magic
Author & Artist: SHIMIZU Reiko
Status: Complete - 2 chapters
Genres: Drama, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Sci-fi, Shoujo

From MangaArt:

There are 2 manga series in the book. In the first series, Magic, the background is set in the futuristic 2200's in the edge of the galaxy. Super model Kana has died in a space ship accident when she traveled to a planet on the edge of the galaxy. Her daughter was found 3 years after the magnetic storm has rested. A distant related cousin of Kana adopted the young child (he was also an old boyfriend of Kana!). Years later, Kana's child has grown up to be a teenage girl...

Here's some more 90s shoujo for y'all. This is a really interesting read since it's sci-fi and a breath of fresh air for shoujo lovers. I am not a big sci-fi fan but this had me intrigued from start to finish and if you're someone that avoids this genre I do recommend to give this a shot.

Every frame and dialogue bubble was utilised effectively and there wasn't too much to wrap your head around. It has a sort of... dark-ish ambiance about it (as expected from psychological stories) and the plot twists add even more layers to this story. Additionally, it made me question the morals of the characters, sets new boundaries of what is socially taboo or not.