Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Voltage Inc. Character Rankings Part 1

I made this video more or less explaining what I loved and hated about every character I've played from voltage.

Yes I made a spreadsheet (cos I'm nerdy like that) and it's more or less self explanatory.
  • Design - How much I liked the character design. Kiyoharu scored low on this cos he kinda looks like Ichigo from Dreamy Days in West Tokyo
  • Personality- General traits that I liked. Can't get lower then a 5 unless they're annoying or as interesting as a pile of bricks.
  • Plot & Plot average - A score based on my general enjoyment of the game. Obviously the more parts I play, the more accurate the average
  • Development - Character development. Above 5 means it's good development. 5 or below means there was none or it was development that made me dislike the character.
  • Fangirl feels - An irrational number that somehow quantifies my fangirl insanity. A 10 means I was rolling around screaming into my pillow at the kawaii-ness. A 3 means being totally disengaged. 

This list will probably be updated when I decide to play more routes obviously.

Though if I were to recommend a single game to play with the intention of playing all the routes, I think True Love Sweet Lies is the best game. It's fun and has a good dose of romance plus the cgs are pretty much on point. Also they have 2 good endings, sweet (meaning sweet lol) and bitter (meaning sexy times for you ;) ). It's not anything ground breaking, unique and is pretty pricey but the quality is a step above what Voltage produces and it's what I expect from a mobile game. If you're weary about parting with your cash I suggest waiting for a sale or investing in pc otome games instead.

I for one will do so sparingly since I love 2D men too much to say no to them (I told you I had a weakness of bishies).

Anyways thanks for reading and maybe they'll be a part 2 someday when I play a sufficient amount of routes.


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