Sunday, 13 March 2011

Japan Struck By Magnitude 8.9 Earthquake And Tsunami

I'm sure you've all heard about the devastating earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Not only that, but there have also been fires and nuclear warnings as the reactor was effected in result of the earthquake. For all of you that don't know, 10 is the highest on the Richter scale so you can imagine that 8.9 was a massive shake to the Japanese citizens.

Schools also have drills but nothing would've prepared them for an earthquake at such large scale proportions.  I have Japanese exchange students who are staying at my school (in Australia) for 1-2 weeks. I hope their family are safe.

I'm also thinking about singers, actors and of course mangakas who could be deeply affected by this. I hope they're all safe and sound.

Please give your support to the series of natural disasters in Japan by somehow donating. If everyone donates a little it could mean a huge difference.


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