Saturday, 24 May 2014

Otome Plays: Ice Princess? (Lance Route)

Yes, here is probably the best chapter in this whole route. It's ridden with cuteness, jealously and Lance being a total tease. I also included the bad ending as well, if you chose the other choices. I'll have a manga review up tomorrow, sorry if you're sick of seeing updates on this game ><


  1. Hey! I enjoyed these posts and have bought the game. Thanks for uploading these videos. I played Nameless and The Cloud Dream of the Nine (super awkward title IMO but I guess that's what they call it) at the same time, and I was wondering if you ever looked into Nine at all? It doesn't have an English translation yet but I felt that Nameless had a really lacking story compared to Nine. I do like the main girl in Nameless more though. Anyway, check that out if you ever have time. It's historical fiction so wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea... but definitely way better than Nameless (unfortunately).

  2. Definetly will get it if it gets translated since I love historical works. Thanks for recommending it. Learnt Korean for about 3 months so I don't know enough to get it right now ><

  3. Ya this would be impossible to play without a good command of Korean. There are comments under the video I linked saying that a translation will be out this Summer though (which is like... now). The makers also sent out notice that this game is now run through Nexen (the parent company) so idk if they still plan on releasing a translation.
