I've done posts like this before where I basically summarise what I've been doing for the past couple of months, whether it was reading a slew of manga, otome gaming and just doing anything otaku related (which you can find here and here). So I'm officially making this segment official and it will have a fairly arbitrary update frequencies.
I've done a fair bit of otome gaming (mostly voltage mobile games cos it's in English son) so I will save that for a completely separate post (I'll link it here once it's posted).
Without further ado here's a list of interesting mangas that I've been reading:
Color (2011) by MIMORI Ao
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Short people problems |
Tsuki no Shippo (2002) by UEDA Rinko
I've already done a review of this but I thought I might as well do a quick mention of this. It's a nice read that isn't too draggy about ninjas with an idiotic but likable heroine. It's not soley focused on romance so the main character, Usagi, doesn't get too annoying. Plus there's some bishie goodness. The art is really beautiful and it's aged quite well.
Another Kingdom (2006) by FUJITA Maki
An 8 chapter manga about some chick who is all like:
and other exorcist shit and meets a hot megane-kun who is all moody but misunderstood etc. The supernatural and mystery elements were intriguing and I didn't understand why this manga got such crappy reviews (like they gave them 3s). Besides the fact that I don't believe on slapping on arbitrary numbers without a system, I'd give it a 4.5/10 at best (so fairly average). Mainly because it was forgettable and I feel horrible for saying this but I forgot most of the story already. So read it to kill time but don't be expecting much.
Dear (2002) by FUJIWARA Cocoa

Reimei no Arcana (2009) by TOMA Rei
First off, if you haven't read this, what have you been doing with your life? No but seriously, I put this on hold for a bit to allow chapters to come rolling in so I could binge read it and all in all, I enjoyed it immensely. The story has a dark ambiance to it but is not smothered in it despite the tragedy that does befall the characters. There were enough cute and monumental moments that allowed me to plough through this without becoming too depressed. Again I shall review this one day but for now, go read it. Also, the art is soooo good and you got some bishies thrown in there too so ya know, read it.
Recently picked up:
Faster than a Kiss (2007) by TANAKA Meca
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Me too sensei, me too |
I dropped this because it got draggy cos I have an attention span of a puppy on steroids and I'm not someone who reads through something if it's tedious. It's fun, school life comedy about a high school girl who becomes homeless with her little bro after her dad runs away (cos of debts). Anyway she somehow marries her teacher and shit gets craaay.
Kimi no Todoke (2006) by SHIINA Karuho
Same reasons as above, it got tedious to read and I picked it up again. Just a school life misfit who falls in love with popular dude.
Kamisama Hajimemashita (2008) by Suzuki Julietta
I got sick of waiting for chapters so I left it on my on hold list for ages. Plus season 2 of the anime was coming out so I decided to just go ahead and binge read it though I'm trying to limit myself cos I need stuff to read son. It's about this chick who has her dad run away from home (sound familiar?) because of debts and she becomes a god of this shrine. Her love interest is her familiar Tomoe, which is a kitsune. Thanks to this manga (and Inu x Boku SS) whenever I see kitsune in a sypnosis, I gravitate to it like flies to a dung pile (not the best simile but whatevs).
Similar story where this was my on-hold/dropped abyss and I picked it up again since I heard about the new anime adaptation coming out. I hated Kyouya because he was a complete dick to Erika, the MC. It takes the whole S&M thing to a whole other level. Y'all fangirls need to sit me down and tell me his appeal. I know he's supposed to be some kind of incarnate of a sadistic Tsundere but he's 90% Tsun and 10% dere which ain't enough for me.
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji (2011) by HATTA Ayuko

Kare Kano (1996) by Tsuda Masami
This got tedious to read so I put it on hold but it had been years since I'd read it so I'm going ahead and re-reading from the start since I forgot everything. I feel like me and a lot of 90s manga don't go well together cos a lot of authors have pacing which makes the story move too slow for my taste.
Ana Satsujin (2013) by Rahson
This horror, romance shounen follows a student who leads a worthless and unproductive life and cute, beautiful his neighbor. She later turns out to be a sociopathic serial killer and explores their twisted relationship. It may be hard to digest for many as I'm slowly trudging through it cos it's pretty messed up.
Sekine-kun no Koi (2009) by KAWACHI Haruka
This is a shounen, slice of life manga about a salary man who has good looks, the smarts but is essentially empty and finds his existence to be incredibly meaningless. So he meets this girl and you can guess what happens (coughlovecough). It was a refreshing read and the main protagonist had a lot I could personally relate to from his social awkwardness, his over thinking to his adorable courtship of a girl. I screamed when I found out the English translation company was defunct.
Koe no Katachi (2013) by OOIMA Yoshitoki

Hope you find this info dump on mangas I've read. Sorry this post was meaty but I hate it when people make recommendations for mangas but don't explain why they'd think I'd like it and give me this long list that I have to sift through. I could easily have a search engine do that for me.
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